Mnnnn..... This is a tough question because is not easy to keep our skin moist especially skin is the bigger organ. YES is our skin.
I would like to elaborate a simple way to keep our skin shine , glow, and healthy and definitely moist.
First please answer my question below
How often do you scrub when taking a bath?
... none? once a month? twice a week?
Well it all depend on your own skin.Some people have different skin types and some will use it on a daily basis and some will use it 2-3 times a week.
and why we need to scrub?
As simple as A, B, C is to remove dead skin cells and moisturize your skin.
SO first step remember is to is SCRUB and understand you skin at first.
"To best understand how skin becomes dry and how to bring your dry skin back to health, we need to understand the stratum corneum." - a statement from vaseline website.
the final step and the most important ingredient to keep our skin moist.
Let me highly recommend the brand"Vaseline"....
When we heard of Vaseline we will think of their famous Vaseline lip balm.
BUT they are coming out with four new body lotion range catering to different skin needs, with variants like Total Moisture, Healthy White, Intensive Rescue, and Aloe Cool and Fresh.

And there is good news as well ... (See my reaction as below photo...)

Check it out at nuffnang website they having a cocktail party and you got a chance to win some goodies from Vaseline and a Coach Bag as well.
Best Written Blog Posts
1st Prize – RM3,000 cash + Vaseline products
2nd Prize – RM2,000 cash + Vaseline products
3rd Prize – RM1,000 cash + Vaseline products
5x Consolation Prizes – RM200 cash + Vaseline products
Beside that, During the party itself, there’ll be prizes for games and lucky draws too! And make sure you get some help from Vaseline body lotion to look absolutely glowing at the party, because the female blogger with “The Most Vibrant Skin” will win a Coach Handbag worth RM2,000! Details of the Celebration of Amazing Skin by Vaseline party are as below:
Date: 2 October 2010 (Saturday)
Time: 5pm – 9pm
Venue: Luna Bar
Dress Code: Green, Yellow, Pink or White (Killer heels are optional; elegance is a must – it’s the cocktail party of the year!)